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More Than a Pipe Wrench

(VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT: Mike Baum, Journeyman Plumber)

It was a Kind at Heart trailer and large canopy that first caught the attention of Mike Baum, now Kind at Heart volunteer. A large group of volunteers was busy painting, trimming trees, and beautifying flower beds at two of his neighbors' homes, and he couldn’t help but wonder what all was going on. He parked his work truck and walked down to the end of the street, where he struck up a conversation with Wayne Thomas (KAH Director & leader of the Service Team).

Volunteer, Maintenance Program, Allied Plumbing
Mike Baum, Maintenance Program Volunteer

That image/conversation stuck with him for over a year - along with a growing compulsion to see how HE could also partner with Kind at Heart to love on others in his community. So, in the Fall of 2016 he sat down to Saturday morning breakfast with Wayne to learn more about the ministry and about how he might be able to bring his skills to the table in support of the ministry.

Mike has been a plumber with Allied Plumbing for over 7 years and brings skill/expertise that expands our ability to solve home-related issues for our people. He’s fixed water and drain lines, provided advice to our guys who give “front-line” support to our Neighbors, and he’s brought the resources of his company along, too.

Thanks to the generosity of Allied Plumbing, Mike has been able to use his company-issued vehicle and equipment to help our Neighbors who can’t even afford a small diagnostic fee to determine the problem (let alone, fix it). He’s worked late at night to fix a leaking water heater, and he’s shown up early on a Saturday morning to fix a kitchen sink and drain line that had been clogged for quite some time (and later cut out completely just to be able to do one's dishes). He goes above and beyond and works hard to make life a little easier for those he serves through hands-on work.

It's is a beautiful thing to see community members give their FIRST-FRUITS for the benefit of our Neighbors. And there's work for us all to do!

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)

Thank you, Mike (and others like him who are serving this community with intentionality). In your hands, that pipe wrench is more than just a tool made of steel or aluminum. It is a symbol of God’s GRACE and GOODNESS.

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